Selasa, Juni 23, 2009

my pill crusher

bagi orang lain gadget idaman adalah iphone seri terbaru. leptop mac. kamera DSLR nikon. well, some of them are mine too. but this gadget is something i've been dreamed of way way long ago. something really meets my need. and i found it few days ago. tadddddaaaaa....

my dream gadget

yup. ini adalah "magic pill something2". hehe, something2 b'cos it can slice, crush, and restore your tiny-yucky-pill. ini adalah masalah dasar bung, bagi orang lain minum pil cuman perkara se-upil. taruh pil di mulut, taruh air putih, glendeeeeeer. but for me it's a struggle. i can't swallow a pill, even the tiniest one. mulut ini gampang sekali terpicu untuk muntah klo ada pil masuk. dan yapp, selama ini perkara minum pil bagi nduk pit adalah bener2 meminumnya, setiap jengkal rasanya, setiap inchi pahitnya. glekkkk.

jadi kawans, ada 3 fungsi utama alat ini. pertama, membelah pil jadi dua. jadi misalnya anda sedang sakit flu dan obat anda dosis tinggi, need to eat it in a half, slice it! taruh pil di cetakan bulet yang telah dsediakan, lalu tutup penutup nya. cless, jadi 2. perlu berhati2 jg terhadap mata pisau di dalamnya, tajem banget loh.

the details

second, to crush your pill. howaaaaa... this's my goddess!! put your pill in the hole, screw the cover, umm... need lit efforts though, buit voila, it powderedly crashed :D then easily i can put it in a spoon, put some water with sugar on it, then glekkk... eat it.

third, it can restore your pill. so just in case u're in a run, u can keep the pill on it, and carry it easily. the storage is in the bottom part. even at the bottom, no need to worry that your pill will fall down, there's a tiny click-lock that will manage it.

hehe.. what a real gadget. mechanical gadget, for me, it's a real tool designing. bravooo!!!